Hosting Questions
  1. What methods of payment do you accept? 
    We accept credit and debit cards via Paypal. We accept Bank Transfers. We accept Personal Cheques (Your account will become active once cheque has cleared) Payments must be made in advance. 

  2. What is your uptime guarantee? 
    We have extremely high standards when assessing Servers, Networks and Data centers to house our services. This policy allow us to offer a 99.9% network uptime, excluding any scheduled maintenance. 

  3. Do you offer a money back guarantee? 
    Yes! If you are unhappy with our service for any reason, we offer an unconditional 14-day money back guarantee. This makes new customers feel a lot safer -- you can try out our great hosting package without any risk. This guarantee is not applicable if the account contravenes our Terms of Service, i.e. spamming or illegal activities. 

  4. Are there any hidden fees? 
    There are NO hidden fees. 

  5. Can I host more than one domain under one account?
    Yes, on certain packages you can host multiple domains under one account. 

  6. What is the catch? 
    x3 Internet Solutions is a very reputable Web hosting company and we do not believe in questionable tactics to lure new customers. We are very proud to say that there is no catch! We've been able to build our business on our reputation. 

  7. What is your spam and bulk e-mail policy? 
    We have strict policies against spamming and bulk e-mail. Users who spam via e-mail, newsgroups, etc. are not allowed on our Servers. If we receive complaints of spamming and bulk e-mail, we will remove you from our network and take appropriate actions. 

  8. What are your Primary and Secondary DNS numbers? 
    Primary Server Hostname: Secondary Server Hostname: 

  9. Do you offer 24/7 technical support? 
    Yes, we offer 24/7 technical support via our Support Center and email.

  10. Do you offer telephone support? 
    x3 Internet Solutions does not offer telephone support for our standard packages. We do provide telephone support for our dedicated server customers and shopping cart customers. 

  11. Do you support PHP, MySQL, Perl
    Yes, we fully support PHP, MySQL and Perl. These are pre-installed and configured on all our packages. 

  12. Do you support JSP, ASP or Cold Fusion? 
    No, our servers are UNIX-based and we do not support ASP or Cold Fusion. These are only supported on Microsoft's Windows NT platform. As a UNIX system, we do of course support PHP, Perl, and MySQL. 

  13. Do you host international domain names?
    Yes, we do host international domain names. It is up to you to contact the NIC of your country and have them point your domain name to our nameservers. Once this pointing process has been completed, we will take care of the rest. 

  14. Do you offer domain name registration? 
    Yes, We can register any new domains for you. The domains will be owned by you and you are free to transfer them at anytime.

  15. Can I host an adult site? 
    We do NOT host adult-oriented websites. 

  16. Can I host IRC Services? 
    No, IRC is not allowed on our Network. 

  17. Can I access my domain name with and without the www? 
    Yes, you will be able to access your domain name with or without the 'www.' Many Web hosting providers now provide this capability. This means that you can access your domain name by going to "" or "". 

  18. How long does it take to setup my new account? 
    Our standard packages are set up within 12hours of the order being completed. Other packages will depend on the customers requirements although normally these are also the same day.

  19. How long does it take to get my domain working? 
    If you ordered a new domain name through us, it will take 24-48 hours. If you are transferring an existing domain name to x3Hosting, it will take 24-48 hours after you make the DNS change with your registrar. 
  20. How do I transfer files to my site?
    You can use any FTP software, FrontPage, or other compatible products to transfer your files to our servers. 

  21. Will you place any ads on my site? 
    No, you have full control of your website and will never be required to put any of our advertisements on it. We do not place pop-ups on your site, either. You and you alone are responsible for your site's content -- we won't put anything there! 

  22. Do your servers run UNIX or Windows? 
    All of our servers are UNIX-based. We do not operate any servers on the Windows platform. 

  23. Do you offer dedicated servers or co-locations? 
    Yes, we offer managed and unmanaged dedicated servers. We do not hold stock, we purchase the servers to meet the customers requirements, this allows us to provide the very best hardware for the lowest cost. There is usually a 15 day lead in time for dedicated servers. We can offer Co-Location through our partner located at RedBus, London.

  24. What will happen to my site if I exceed bandwidth limit?
    You will receive emails from our system when you are close (80%) to exceeding your bandwidth. We do not suspend accounts for over useage unless it is excessive over useage. We would expect you to contact us, before your account exceeds it's bandwidth to discuss options. We prefer not to suspend accounts and normally a quick discussion between you and us will resolve the issue without your account being suspended. 

  25. How do I transfer my domain name to x3 Internet Solutions without experiencing downtime? 
    To avoid downtime, please follow these procedures: 1) Sign up for a Web hosting account using our online order form. Once your account is setup, you will receive an e-mail from us with your FTP login information. Next, upload all of your files to our Web server. 2) After you're done uploading your files, contact your domain name registrar and have your domain name pointed to our DNS numbers, we will advise you of these when required. 3) Now, be patient. It will take about 48-72 hours for your registrar to update their DNS (the amount of actual time varies by registrar). Once it's updated, your domain name will point to your new website that is hosted on x3 Internet Solutions servers automatically. 4) If you use e-mail associated with the domain name, we recommend you check mail at both locations (with your previous hosting company and on our mail server). Once you confirm that all e-mail settings and your website are properly pointed to your new account with x3 Internet Solutions , go ahead and cancel your account with your previous hosting company. 5) We can talk you through the proceedure if you so wish.

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